2022-2023 Stapleton Recipients
Posted in Announcements Stapleton Students | Tagged Award, Fellowship, Stapleton, Student
The Department of Anthropology is excited to announce the recipients of the Stapleton Award for 2022-2023! Please click here for more information about the Stapleton Award
Terence Coyne

Terence worked as an unpaid intern for Veterans of War, a 501(c)(3) based in Manassas, Virginia with help from Stapleton Award funding. VoW (Veterans of War) works with veterans facing PTSD; their mission is to prevent veteran suicide by treating the underlying trauma with psychedelic-assisted psychotherapy. Throughout the Summer of 2021, Terence gained insight into cultures of mental healthcare in the United States, as well as particularly novel and controversial recovery options.
Ally Pyne

Ally pursued an eighteen-month research project on the field of sustainable finance. She set out to answer how questions of identity and communication influence the world of sustainable finance after encountering growing ethnographic findings that frame the habitus of financiers as inseparable from capitalist culture.