Archive: Resources

  • American Anthropological Association Internship Program

    Thanks to a very generous donation from the family of a recent Anthropology major, the Georgetown University Department of Anthropology is happy to sponsor two paid internships at the American Anthro

    Categories: Announcements, Resources, Students

  • $5,000 Awards for Undergrads Pursuing Summer Research

    CRF-Sponsored Summer Fellowships Summer Research Applications are due by 9:00a ET on Monday, March 14, 2022. To stay up-to-date on how to apply, and for links to related information sessions an

    Categories: Announcements, Resources, Students Tag:

  • Anthropology Resources

    Anthropology Associations/Societies American Anthropological Association American Ethnological Society Anthropology and Environment Society Association for Africanist Anthropology Association f

    Category: Resources

  • Courses

    Core Courses The major requires four core courses listed below. The minor requires three core courses. ANTH-001 Introduction to Cultural AnthropologyANTH-320 The Ethnographic ImaginationANTH-3

    Category: Resources

  • About Us

    The Department of Anthropology is a tight-knit community of faculty and students who learn from one another. As an undergraduate department with a focus on cultural anthropology, faculty and students

    Category: Resources